The KaratBars movement
No, KaratBars is not a brand of cereal or multi-level or a pyramidal scheme business. KaratBars is an eCommerce (Electronic Commerce) .
But what is exactly KaratBars ?
KaratBars is a movement of people who are affiliated with the company, who want to share with people the importance of acquiring physical gold to protect their wealth and heritage.
There are 4 ways to get gold :
- Inherit
- Mine it
- Exchange your money against gold (buy)
- Use KaratBars system to acquire gold for free and earn commissions
If you inherit , congratulations . Be careful not to go on a whim and go sell your gold. This is not the right time.
If you want to mine it, well go ahead. I wish you good luck.
You can pay for gold. Is the gold legitimate? Will you get good price ? Will the company give you your gold for free? I doubt it …
And you have us, KaratBars International.
What is the advantage of using the KaratBars system?
You will save gold, free ,while developing an exponential residual income business. Did you know that 95% of the planet’s wealth belongs to 5% of the population. And of these 95% of wealth, 93.4% are residual income. There is active income. You work at X $ per hour. You go to work Monday, you get paid Friday. If you do not return Monday, will you be paid on Friday? No. This is the difference between active income and passive income (residual) .
With KaratBars , you can get a passive income (residual) , while the acquisition of physical gold.
But why? It’s simple .
Gold is protected against inflation.
Gold is not printable.
Gold is non- renewable.
Gold does not tarnish.
Gold is tax deductible .
Ask your financial expert , is it good to invest in gold?
If he is honest, he will tell you so. If he wants to fill his pockets, he’ll say no . He will invest your money, take the money he made from it and invest it in gold!
Our mission
Allow the mass (everyone) to get gold in small quantities at competitive prices .
Educate people to invest in gold.
Allow people to free themselves financially, developing a consistent, powerful and exponential residual income (passive).
Protect themselves against governments, banks and financial institutions.
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