If you’re already doing multi-level marketing, network marketing, affiliates programs, or whatever type of business relating to those, then you have to read this post. This post is targeting people who already knows about this fast growing industry. If you are doing MLM or Network marketing already you know some companies, probably the most known ones like: ACN, Amway, ViSalus, Herbalife, Avon, Tupperware and a lot more. If you’re a network marketer, you already know that this business IS profitable for people, not all of them, but you saw some having huge success in these opportunities, and it’s true. Yes it is, some people have success at this type of product/service promoting method. You maybe even met someone making more than 50 000$USD a month with a multi-level marketing opportunity. It’s not lies, it’s true, but these persons are rare.
After 6 years of network marketing, I founded the solution.
It’s all about retention. In most network marketing opportunities, you have to recruit 10 members to keep 1 or 2. Why? Probably the product. People either get bored or tired of the products. They loose their passion for it. What if you give them something worth their money, what if you give them gold? Something that as a value, that is not consumable and that will keep (and for sure increase) it’s value. People are not BUYING a product, they’re EXCHANGING their money for something more valuable. And that brings me to this point…
Closing the prospects…
You already had hard-time getting people involved into a business. They’re not sure, they want more time to think, and then you never hear news back. You call them, they don’t answer the phone. We all went there. Even a leader, will tell you: ” You need to talk to 10 persons for 1 to join.”. That’s true. People are in majority not willing to invest time in a ”pyramid scheme” like we heard so often. For me, it has been almost instant with KaratBars. Showing people this Classic Gold Card with a 1g of pure gold in it made all the work for me.
This time, you will promote something that you buy, that you own and that has a value.
Main reasons (for MLM users) why KaratBars is going to the ROOF:
- No auto-ship (monthly fees) to stay active and touch your commissions. You won’t load your credit card!
- You keep points from your organisation months are months. You don’t loose them at the end of the month.
- You’re exchanging your money for gold, not buying a consumable product.
- You can store your gold for free and wait until you have a certain amount to make it delivery, saving on delivery costs.
- You can have your commissions paid on a KaratBars mastercard or on a eWallet (which you can withdraw to your banking account).
- New business, new opportunity and momentum is on our side.
- Opened in more than 80 countries now.
- Free sign-up for gold account, back-office, landing page, online store and way more.
- Low cost of package that will unlock more commissions. (Starting from 99euros, compared to mostly 500euros or more in almost all businesses).
- A powerful dual system. You get paid on 2 legs, not on the weakest one like in binary systems.
- Real gold and in your hands. You can deliver your gold anytime. It’s not virtual, it’s REAL!
- A compensation plan that is fair and rich.
I hope this gives you a little hint on why KaratBars is gonna be the biggest company in the network marketing industry. To make money in movement, since it’s the only way people are gonna get commissions, they use a system called Auto-Buy. This will make sure money is moving in the organization. People who have X Euros of commissions over a month will use some of their commissions to buy gold. It’s automatic. Instead of loading your credit card, you will save gold when you start getting commissions. For someone making 2000+ euros monthly, it’s gonna be 4g of gold bought at the end of the month. So let’s say you made 5000 euros in commission this month. You will have 4 grams (example: 48euros each), 192 euros will be removed from your commissions. You will get, for this month, 4808 euros in commissions and 4 grams of gold added to your account. You can still withdraw this gold when you want and make it delivered at your house. It’s not virtual it’s REAL gold.
I think anyone that is serious about doing MLM or network marketing (even though KaratBars is not considered MLM, we work a system similar to this kind of business) should think about analyzing and checking compensation plan. You have to think about what this opportunity could be for you.
It’s the first time I see a time growing so fast in network marketing. It’s crazy.
Stay tuned,
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